TSA Security Screeners Using Body Scanners As Live Action Porn…

Hat tip to Clark Kent on an article he emailed me that highlighted some recent articles on TSA Agents at our airports actively selecting attractive women to go through the full body scanner so they can check them out in all their naked hotness. Yeah baby!

As a brief summary, here is a quote from the comment section of one of the articles:

“There is no question about it. I have only ever NOT been “randomly selected” once since the redrawing of the “security” lines. I have never gone through the scanner and never will. I am chosen every single time without fail. It doesn’t matter what I wear, how much, how little, how dull or provocative, how I wear my hair, how “blendy” I try to be, I am ALWAYS chosen, and ALWAYS by a male.

And 95% of the time, the male TSA agent SNEERS at me when I opt out of the scanner. They give me the worst face possible every single time. Then I’m treated like garbage for the rest of the entire process, and there’s no question they’re crude to you and make the pat-downs worse on purpose to punish those who don’t just do whatever they want.

I’m so sick of airports, I can’t stand being treated like trash, a criminal. I’m a good person, I’ve never even had a speeding ticket! And every tyrannous nation begins with its “weaker” social members, the elderly, children and women, to test what a population will accept against it. Do we learn nothing from history?”

Since I don’t want any hot TSA mommies checking me out, I have always “opted out” of the scanner. Wait, that’s not right…I opt out because of the violation of my constitutional rights to “a reasonable expectation of privacy” and against warrantless searches and seizures and because I don’t like irradiating my “equipment.” The constitution never gave our government the right to treat us like naked lab monkeys just because we want to fly from point A to point B. This garbage needs to stop.

Here’s another one:

“I, too am ALWAYS “randomly” selected for the sexual assault. I always travel with the big, burly hubby who is NEVER selected. The consensus from friends and family is that I’m selected for the size of my breasts. I totally agree but I refuse to reduce what God gave me just so I won’t have to be harrassed by these useless perverts. No flying for me anymore! I hope they all get what’s coming to them for trying to fry innocent Americans in their microwaves and I hope it is slow and painful!!”

All of you…yes YOU…need to “opt out” every time you go to the airport. If we all did it, it would shut the system down overnight and they would have to get rid of the scanners. I know it’s a hassle, I know it means you have to get to the airport a whole 15 minutes sooner…but that is the insignificant price we have to pay if we expect any reversal of this tyrannical tsunami. I fly all summer for work so I have to, “be a little early” at the airport dozens of times so I can defend my rights, AND DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. If I am willing to do it for you…you should be willing to do it for me.

Either participate in fighting back, or go ahead and get on your knees.

You can read more about your participation as a hot piece of airport porn the next time you fly by reading here and here. Original article on the decay of America can be found here.

Categories: Big Brother, Homeland Security, Resist, Social Decline

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