Just Days After Newtown, CT – San Antonio Movie Theater Shooting Rampage Averted by A Woman With A Gun – MSNBC, CNN, shrugs, yawns…

Hat tip to A Time For Choosing in reporting on this story, and that nifty poster photo I used in yesterday’s post.

Guns Save Lives

Just a few days after the Newtown, CT shooting, an armed gunman walked into a restaurant in San Antonio, Texas, pulled out a gun and started firing. As employees fled the restaurant, he chased after them into a movie theater nearby. The movie theater was full of people who started rushing out of the emergency exits as the gunman continued to fire. A female security guard at the theater rushed towards the gunfire and caught up with the gunman coming out of a bathroom with his gun drawn. She mowed him down with four shots.

My first thought was, there was only one gun in this theater? I mean, this is Texas where everyone has guns, right? Ah yes, but not in a ‘Gun Free Zone’ which this theater was. The shooter probably passed the ‘Gun Free Zone’ sign at the entrance and was just too busy to notice it. Clearly, the results would have been different if he had. Right? Maybe he was just illiterate?

As reported by GunMap.org, even in states where citizens are often armed, a significant number of gun violence occurs in gun free zones where the shooter knows everyone has been legally disarmed and is ripe for the slaughter.

Duck And CoverSo if this theater was a gun free zone, how were these innocent men, women and children lucky enough to be protected by someone with a gun? That’s because the security guard happened to be an off-duty police officer named Lisa Castellano and she is being awarded the Medal of Valor for her bravery. The only difference between Lisa and any girl reading this post is that Lisa felt comfortable handling and using a gun. In this situation, anyone could have earned a “Medal of Valor” in the minds of Americans everywhere. But even if you felt comfortable with a gun, you would have been sitting in this theater unarmed, having read the ‘Guns Free Zone’ sign, and without a “Lisa” around, you could have died because of it. But hey, sign says, ‘Gun Free Zone,’ right? That’s all you need to feel safe and secure. And if something does happen, the police are only minutes away. Just try to hold on.

And unfortunately, not many Americans heard about Lisa.

Because nobody died, not even the gunman, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc… shrugged and roud-filed the news feed. If it’s not anti-gun, and anti-American, it doesn’t make it onto your TV. I’ve heard some people argue, “Reporters don’t report buildings that aren’t on fire” so there should be no surprise that incidents of lives being saved by guns never makes it onto the news. To that I say, “Bullshit.”


…if however, an off-duty police offer accidentally happens to be on site, well, what can we tell ya, we don’t have a law yet to make sure she can’t have her gun on her either.

Nobody can tell me that Americans would not be captivated, riveted to their TV sets, to hear about an average, every-day American they can easily identify with pulling out a gun and mowing down the “bad guy” in Die Hard fashion while saving innocent men, women and children from a dastardly death. Aren’t some of the greatest movies about normal Americans we can all identify with doing extraordinary things? Isn’t that one of the most common playbooks in Hollywood for writing a movie? So that defense is absolute garbage. Americans would love to see Americans protecting other Americans. And it would increase ratings and increase revenue for any station that had the guts to report on it.

Think about it this way…doesn’t the news report on people saving other people when guns aren’t involved? How about when someone in swept down a city river wash channel and a rescue team is deployed to pluck them out of the river? Everyone lives, and it still makes the news. What about a terrible car accident where someone is pulled out of a car and saved by a passerby? That gets reported. What about the Chilean miners? When it turned out that they all lived, did the producer at MSNBC say, “Ahhh shit, well THAT was a waste of film.”

So once again, Americans are not informed of the heroic efforts of their fellow citizens in using a gun to protect people from criminals who will always be able to have and use guns against us because it is counter to the anti-gun establishment, the anti-gun politicians, the anti-gun liberals, the anti-gun President, and the decades long brain washing of apathetic Americans everywhere.

Categories: Censorship, Government Failures, Government Tyranny, Guns, Headlines, Liberal Media

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2 replies


  1. BOOM: Colion Noir Destroys Media and Gun Control Amid Mass Shootings » Louder With Crowder

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